• Headline. Writing the headings of letters is a whole science. In short, the headings of business letters should be as useful to the addressee as possible.
  • Provocations and humor are hardly suitable here: we are writing to serious people, remember? But if you get to know the person better – then you can try, but in the meantime it’s better not to risk it.
  • Introduction. Just like a normal letter, a business letter begins with an introduction, or preamble. In it, you say hello and tell the gist, the meat of it. Save the addressee’s time: tell him at once what you need from him. “I, Pupkin, Vasya, invented a great startup in online marketing (construction, beauty, industry, auto – whatever your field), and I beg you to review it and support financially. The main mistake at this stage: to rush thinking along the tree, mumble, do not get to the heart of the matter.
  • The main part. It’s easy: you describe your idea in detail, presenting facts and arguments that can interest the recipient. If we go back to Vasya and his startup, he will explain what its essence is, its benefits and advantages for humanity in general and for the addressee of the letter in particular. He will bring figures and facts, the opinion of the target audience, the opinion of experts. We believe in Vasya, he can do it!
  • The most important thing. If you ask – ask again. If you ask – ask the question clearly and specifically. If you hope for cooperation – once again, articulate your offer. And all this in a few lines.
  • Conclusion. Thank them for their attention and express the hope that the recipient will respond to you or take some other necessary action. Use a call to action, like in sales texts or videos.
  • Include your information: Full name, contacts, organization name and details.
  • Attach files. Often this is forgotten, and in vain. Many people find it easier to evaluate visual information than just letters and lines. Attach photographs to the letter for the most complete representation of the subject of the letter, and attach the necessary documents to assure the recipient of your solvency and seriousness of intentions.

The most common mistakes in business letters
Yes, thousands of polite and well-mannered people somehow forget to say hello, starting a letter with the words “Dear (-someone)…” Of course, it’s nice to be respected, but no one has canceled a simple human greeting yet.

As has already been said, to flow with thought, that is, to think on the tree.
If you jump from one thing to another, learn how to formulate your thoughts, and if you have no time, hire copywriters and journalists – they will definitely help.

Speak in lifeless, dry language.
All this “taking into account”, “if possible” leave it to officials – you do not express yourself that way in real life, so why should your recipient? Have pity on the man, write as simply as possible!

At the same time, don’t be pandering.
In business correspondence there are two styles: personal and formal.

With a personal style you communicate in the first person – that is, “I, offer you…” In a formal personal pronouns are usually replaced by a neutral-medium “The company” Horns and Spurs “offers you …”. Which style is closer to you and how it correlates with the sphere of activity of your addressee is up to you.

If your partner is a young, modern man, feel free to write in first person. If you need to communicate with state bodies, municipal organizations – better not to tempt fate and communicate neutrally. They will answer you – they have to! – But you can make a negative impression. Be relevant.

You can say a hundred times that you have a great offer and a cool idea, but what is the point of doing it without proof? Business people are used to operate with facts, they do not believe beautiful words and pictures. Figures, facts, specifics – that is your main weapon.

Imagine that you yourself receive a business letter. You open it, start reading, and there… all praise and his product. I’m glad, you’ll think, but what’s in it for me? But if Vasya tells you how it can help you, what benefits it will bring and how quickly the investment will pay off – then it becomes interesting.

Errors, typos, sloppy registration (different font, missing spaces) – no comment.
Excessive use of slang.
Even if you and your addressee work in the same field with special professional slang – use specific expressions carefully. It is better to insert them in the text on the minimum, decipher abbreviations, explain the meaning of some words. What if your interlocutor is 60?