People have been writing letters to each other since time immemorial. By letters you can judge a person’s character, his education, hobbies, and most importantly – how well he knows the language in which he writes. Those who study the language, sooner or later will be faced with the need to learn how to write letters correctly.

A letter may be needed when applying to a higher educational institution abroad, when taking a language exam, when applying for a job. But it’s not just in the world of business communication that knowing how to write a letter is important. Informal correspondence can also have an impact on your life, communication with friends and acquaintances. Your letters will be judged by those who read them. Before you start writing a letter, you need to determine the purpose for which you are doing it, which means determining the type of letter.

How to Write a Letter
Tip 1. The letter must be properly structured
Of course, stream of consciousness is a good thing, but only in the works of Joyce. If you want your letter to be read to the end, respect the addressee. Try to make the text easy to read. The construction of the letter is just as important as the meaning you put into the words you write.

A letter usually has these structural elements:

an address – a single line
a short introduction (where you can refer to your previous contacts, previously written letters, etc.) – a single paragraph
main body – several paragraphs
conclusion – a separate line
closing sentence: a separate line
signature (name only) – a separate line
in the upper right-hand corner you should write the author’s address and the date below the address

Tip 2. Correct Addressing in Letters
The form of address depends on how familiar you are with the person you are writing to. Here are some examples.

Dear John! – Address to a friend or relative.
Dear Sir, if this John is your boss, use this form of address. An official address.
My dear Sir – a reference that can be used in personal correspondence with irony.
Dear Mr. Smith – a formal address to someone you do not know (you do not know who John is)

Tip 3. A few important points to keep in mind

  1. If you don’t know the gender of the person you are addressing, write their full name: Dear T.K. Spinazola .
  2. 2. If you don’t know which abbreviation to use: Miss or Mrs., because you don’t know whether the woman is married, use the neutral Ms.
    If you’re writing a letter to two people, use both of their names in your address. 4.
  3. these addresses should never be abbreviated: Professor, Dean, Governor, Captain, Admiral, JudgeSister, Senator
    These addresses should never be used in full Mr., Ms., Mrs., and Dr.

To write a letter correctly the first time, it is a good idea to have a sample letter handy.


Template phrases for writing letters
5 templates for introductory phrases:

It was great to get your letter….
Thanks for your letter. It was great/lovely to hear from you.
Thanks for your long letter. It was really great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages….
Sorry I haven’t written for so long but….
I was really pleased to hear that…

These phrases are neutral and can be used to begin a letter to any recipient. Sometimes it can be hard to find the right words, especially if you are not writing in your native language. Template phrases will help you structure the text of your letter, to properly frame your thoughts.

5 template phrases:

I would really like you to visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans.
Please give/send my regards (love) to your….
And write and tell me your plans for….
Write back soon!
If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

Template for a letter asking for advice (5 options):

I am writing to ask for your advice.
Can you give me your advice?
I’ve got a problem and I need your advice.
What do you think I should do?
Do you think I should…?